Friday, June 29, 2012

Why No Fly?

I love adventures.

Whether the adventure lasts 2 minutes or 2 months,  I love the freedom and possibilities of deviating from the routine.  To me, an adventure is a choice- saying YES when you are not sure quite what the outcome will be.   I have a heap of great memories because I chose to say YES! And some not so good memories... but I happily admit I am someone who can deal with a bit of inconvenience when the path chosen turns out to be slightly less comfortable.

In the past, this love of adventuring has lead to holidays, work abroad plus some great weekends and nights out.  I loved diving into new countries, seeing how other people live and seeing how I would survive. Alas, the lifestyle was not sustainable.

Sustainability (the "environmental" kind) is a real deal breaker for me.  I couldn't knowingly keep a lifestyle that meant I was expending so much energy on flights for the sake of my own gratification.  This is a simplistic explanation but all I can manage in the first post.  I'm all for overseas travel, but I can't justify 2 or 5 overseas trips a year as I once did.

The other kicker is sustainability of another kind: $$$.  I am currently "between" permanent work contracts and expecting a first baby.  I know I need to rein in the expenses to make sure there's enough for that rainy day.

This blog will incorporate:

1. Suggestions for some local adventures (apologies in advance- these will be mainly melbourne- and Victoria- centric)
2. Some trip reports - places I've been in the past and recommend
3. Trip planning and ideas- because I LOVE planning trips!  The challenge of developing a trip that makes sense while providing value is almost as good as the trip.
4. Hopefully some child-friendly adventures, as I become more experienced in that area.

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